Poem of love


Love is not just a word it’s beyond the feeling it is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person. It is not defined by emotion nearly as much as it is by devotion.it is something that doesn’t see the face because it stays in the heart's deepest case. Love is very important in our everyday life so for spreading love to every one Poetria Pot provides the best latest collection of Love poems or Love poetry and also Love quotes with the image. Poetria pot also has a collection of the Best Love poem in English

Poem of love

Love poem,Love poetry,Love poem in english,Love quotes,Romantic poems,Love shayri
Poem of Love

I didn't fall in love with you,

I walked into love with you,

With my eyes wide open,

Choosing to take

Every step along the way,

I do believe in fate and destiny,

But I also believe,

We are only fated,

To do the Things,

That we'd choose anyway,

And I had chosen you,

In a hundred lifetimes,

In a hundred worlds,

In any version of reality,

I'd find you,

And I'd choose you...

Romeo and Juliet

Set in Verona in days gone by,
Describes love's glory,

Which their feuding families deny.
Her father, Capulet,
His father, Montague,

Never friends, even on a bet,
But, only with their children's death,  
which they're going to rue
To begin our tale, 

The young Montague are invited for 
a Capulet celebration.
Romeo foresees the disaster the night will hale,
Believing it will only result in tension
Encountered by Juliet, a young miss, 
He falls under loves spell
And gives her a sinful kiss.
So, into love, she fell.

Later that night by the balcony of Juliet,
They discuss their love,
And what they wish to do with it.
A suggestion of marriage from up above, 
Leads Romeo to the Friar's door, 
Who agrees to secretly marry them.

They promise to love forevermore,
Not expecting the coming mayhem.
Because of Mercutio's and Tybalt's death,
Romeo is banished from Verona's streets,
Which took away Juliet's breath.

Without her Romeo, she will not be complete.
Meanwhile, Capulet plans 
a wedding for Juliet and Paris,
However, she refuses to marry the man.
Juliet cries to the Friar about her crisis, 
And receives the details of a plan.

A potion is to be taken,
Faking loss of life.
A letter is to be written, 
To inform Romeo of his wife.
Juliet is "buried" in the family vault,
While Romeo's letter is misplaced.
Believing her death is his fault,
He ends his life with haste.

Once Juliet awakens, 
After her long sleep,
She finds her lover taken to the heavens, 
So, she takes the same leap.
Once Romeo and Juliet are discovered lifeless,
The prince blames the fathers.

Capulet and Montague are speechless.
Both make a promise to be as close as brothers.

We Can Find Love Again

Once upon a time

My heart fell in love
And it wasn't ordinary 
Everyday, simple love It was the need you,
Want you, can't be without
You kind of love l would smile for hours 
So thankful that I found you
So sure and so positive you
Were exactly where I 
accustomed be meant to be And

I couldn't imagine

That a day or time would ever
Come and change everything
About our life and love
But it did Years and time, 
Trials and troubles
Have taken us on a roller-coaster

That sometimes didn't seem to end

And before we knew it 
Our hearts were tired So tiredly 
And worn out from all we had seen,
All we had been through 
And all we'd experienced
And love somehow turned into comfort
The comfort of knowing someone was there But
Those feelings of excitement
And passion somehow faded
Along the way.

And now we're left wondering just

Where it all went believe we can find love again
Because love is where it all began
And once upon a time 
You were all my dreams come true.

Secretly Searching

I often wonder why?

And yes...I try
I picture loving But always shoving, amide
It hurts so, yet it feels so good
If only I could (What shall I do?)

I can imagine the twinkle in my eye
Lit a teardrop from my cry?
Oh- my smile full of gleam... 
 But it hurts so much... 
If only I can touch...

Images closer than mirrors 
Scents within souls,
Hearts fluttering,
Mood smothering,
Is the key I hold, so close?

Climbing within the depths of me 
Floating the brims among the sea 
Sitting around a bushel of love
With a fistful of hope in one hand
The other, my rope

It feels so good
Why can't I understand?
Love and trust
Comes hand in hand

Heart To Heart

Sometimes in this lifetime. 
we meet a special soul.
who fills our very essence,
to almost overflow
we drink the cup of friendship. 
it tastes like ruby wine,
and you know within your heart, 
this meeting was Divine.

This soul that lives within your heart, 
no distance can prevail,
an inner spark, 
within the heart,
becomes a Holy Grail, 
a reflection of each other,
the starting of a journey. 
in which you both shall be.
for all eternity.

Magic in your touch

 sparkle in your eye. 
The warmth of your skin 
Your breath on my neck 
That quivers within

The touch of your hand 
The smell of your hair 
The kindness in your smile, 
That strength in your stare.
Your kiss on my lips. 
Your body near mine 
The stroke of your touch, 
That feeling inside.

The sound of your voice,
Compassion in your embrace,
The serenity in your stride.
The power in your face.

The calming of your presence.
The beating of your heart
The promise of tomorrow,
That we may never part.

The beauty of your kiss.
and that magic in your touch
It is for all these reasons and more.
Why I love you so much...

I love you

I remember your smile, 
so radiant and warm, 
illuminating my day with loving affection. 

I remember your kisses, so sweet and soft, 
engulfing my being with blissful elation.
I remember your touch, so gentle and delicate, 
setting me on fire with a burning sensation.

I seek you out, 
trying to catch a glimpse 
of your beautiful face In my lake of dreams. 

I look for your glowing angelic presence, 
your caring and loving traits, your essence.

I see you now, my heart became fluttering, again whole, 
and I know the way lucky I'm to own met you.

I love you, my dear, from bottom of my heart and soul.

   Love Poetry 

love poem,love poetry,love poem in english,love quotes,romantic poems,love shayri
    Love Poetry

Falling in love with you
Was not a crashing wave
That swept me off my feet
and drowned me quickly
It was the soft pull of the tide
That drifted me into your oceans
Away from my own shores
Falling in love with you
Was not a hurricane
That poured on my windows
And blew me away from my shelter
It was rain on a warm Sunday afternoon
That persuaded me to sleep
And covered me in sheets
Falling in love with you
Was not falling at all
Loving you didn't break my heart
And shatter my soul
Every step was deliberate
Every word was carefully chosen
My loving you was quiet on purpose
I chose to love you carefully...

--- Dream without fear and love without limits ---

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