Poems on Trees

 Nature- Tree's poem:-

In Nature, Trees are like best friends for every animal on the earth because they clean the air we breathe, and gives us food to eat. Also, they assist in reflecting the harmful Uv-rays of the sun and maintaining a balanced temperature. They also assist in water conservation and preventing soil erosion. they also clean the water and soil conclusively they make the world a better place to lives. It is also a fact that people who live near the trees or a forest are healthier, fit, and happier than people who don't. Trees provide us many benefits some of which we can not see but they make an enormous difference. They assist in fighting back the climate changes by absorbing greenhouse gases which are the main cause of climate change. we can say that trees are very important and beneficial for everybody on earth. Without them, the survival of life on earth will become difficult and after some time every animal starts to die because of the lack of oxygen on the planet. So, to save our lives and to survive we have to learn the importance of trees and also have to teach our youngster the importance of trees so that to aware a people about this in a manner of poems we the Poetria Pot gives you the best collection of a tree's poems.

Magic of Nature

The magic of nature all around 
The magical nature and trees all around

There is this solace that surrounds 
The flowing river has a noise 

So peaceful and serene is the voice
The sun when sets on the deep horizon 

Glow in the dark and look wonderful 
Nature has its awesome grace

Everything looks so beautiful
Can't get enough of natural scenes 

Wish to stay with nature forever
Forever In this alluring peace

Natures love is such 
It brings to your life a new light.

The Gift of the Tree

Trees offer to those who love them 
A message of peace and rest. 

They bring the glow of the setting sun
As it vanishes in the west. 

They tell of years that swiftly pass, 
With little mark or scar.
They tell of evenings that know naught 
But the calm of evening star.
Trees offer to those who love them
Infinite wisdom and grace. 

Underneath their boughs tree lovers 
See eternity's face.

Tree Grows

In the springtime of the year 
The trees wear blossom gowns.
They change into pink fairylands 
All the hills and towns.

In the autumn of the year 
The trees put on new dresses!
Red and gold and yellow are 
The colors each one stresses.

Poem on Tree, Poem on Nature , Poem on Forest, Poem of Tree in English

Healing Forest

Come home to the forest

Where time goes slow 
and the breath is mellow

Where Thoughts find rest 
and Calm comes to nest

Come home to the woods

to be friends with trees 
and listen to the breeze

to wander through a trail 
and mend your sails

Come home to nature

When your heart is hurting 
or your soul needs healing

When something feels wrong 
or just need to place to belong.

The forest awaits 
Come home Be healed

A Million Dollar Tree

One dreamt of this tree; that stood in the time 
amongst most history since its prime 
Pictured bravely; with the background sky 
admired by those who pass it by

If it could tell of its past years 
Of happiness and saddened tears 
Of where it's been and what is seen 
Do you know just what this could mean?

It'd be worth more than jewels or gold 
As all its logic years unfold 
You'd have to build around it a cage 
And always keep it safe from age

Just guard it with your life somehow 
Before it's gone from the here and now 
Or you might wake from this, 
your dream and call it as, 
old trees you've seen.

The First Tree

Nature looked across the seas 
She had newly made.
"Now," said Nature, "Life must have 
A place of cooling shade.

"All my creatures shall have rest 
From the sun's high tide. 
Underneath a leafy bough
Shall my creatures hide?"

So out from the deep black earth 
Rose a mighty tree 
The hill wind sang a song of welcome. 
"Greetings!" roared the sea.

When the sun had reached its zenith 
In the tree's cool shade
All the creatures lay them down, 
And they were not afraid

Ever since the tree has flourished,
Mighty - and yet kind! 
Nowhere else can beast or man 
Sweeter solace find.

The Trees Glow Red

The forests, they are on fire
 As our hearts burn with desire
Plates of gluttony pile higher 
Salivating eyes sparkle dollars 

As our leader's platitudes sire 
And some turn outright liars 

Big and small scurry dire 
To escape this funeral pyre 

Forests are the very first shire 
Farm to our first ancestor 

Our friend and secret lover 
Last refuge in times of despair
Where we first discovered fire 
Now we burn to feed our desire.

(Dedicated to Amazon fire -Brazil fire )

A Dark Forest

A dark forest
A little house
A cozy bed
A heaving hamper
On a sparkling clean kitchen top.

An old brick bridge
Over a gentle stream 
A tummy snuggling smell
Huggles your soul
You see an unlocked door 
with a welcoming window.

A curious mind
That had no parents
To bake her bread
And stir her porridge
Some tired feet - got a grizzly surprise,

Heart in mouth
Smell blows away
The sun is down
And a lost child begins to cry.

Poem on Tree, Poem on Nature , Poem on Forest, Poem of Tree in English

Magic of Forest

Nature around me leaves 
rustling in the wind,

 Dewy green grass in mornings, 
under my steps,

To breathe deeply the fresh, 
the pure air of forest I love,

I listen to the Twitter of birds 
that I so much adore, 

I love to walk along rivers,
Blossomed flowers

 to smell and admire,
I adore the forest, 

the marvelous trees,
I want to live there forever, 
Till the end of my days.

A Lovely Tree

A lovely tree standing at that side
A lovely tree standing 
at the corner of my house 

Gives me air when the wind blows
Gives me such a lot of shade within 
the sun Gives me the fruits that I would like
Gives me the solace that I need in my thoughts 

The tree standing at the corner of my house
Gives me vibes so cool and well
That I forget everything in life 
The tree gives me a strange respite

I love the tree and nature along 
It gives me peace like a wonderful song
That tree at the corner of my house.

Sleeping in the Forest

I thought the earth remembered me, 
she took me back so tenderly, 
arranging her dark skirts, 
her pockets full of lichens and seeds. 

I slept as never before, 
a stone on the river bed, 
nothing between me and 
the sparkling light fire of 
the stars but my thoughts, 
and they floated light as moths 

among the branches of the perfect trees. 
All night I heard the tiny 
kingdoms breathing around me,
 the insects and the birds 
who does their work in the dark night? 

All night I rose and fell, 
as if in water, 
grappling with a luminous doom.
 By morning I had vanished 
at the minimum thousands 
of times Into something better.

Old Oak-tree

There is more to life
Then measuring its speed
Let me look upward into
the branches of the towering oak 

and know that I grew great and strong 
because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down. Lord and inspire me 
To send my roots deep into the 
the soil of life's enduring values.

A Tree Perspective

I've seen you in this barren space 
Standing majestically tall. 
I've gazed upon your elegance 
From winter through to fall.

I thought of you, here all alone 
Then these questions arose in me;
Are you sad? Do you have a friend? 
Tell me, please, Lonely Tree."Lonely? 

I cannot say that l am," 
It seems heard it say
"I have lots of company 
That visit night and day

Above. I have the puffy clouds 
The warm sun shining bright 
My arms are so the songbirds 
While they're resting from their flight.

In the darkness, I'm never alone 
For so many stars appear 
And cradled high in the sky 
The golden moon is always near

I have the wise old hoot owl 
Night critters that stop by, 
The playful fish in the pond 
The sound of a lone wolf's cry

Music plays through my limbs
When tickled by the breeze, 
Crickets and jar-Hies serenade 
Nature's song in melodious ease

I said My friend you're right, 
These things I know are true. 
I'm glad I came to this spot 
And spending this time with you

Thanks for this tree perspective 
Your words have given me 
How foolish I was to assume 
You were just a lonely tree."

Winter Trees

Poem on Tree, Poem on Nature , Poem on Forest, Poem of Tree in English

The wet dewy inks are 
doing their blue dissolve.
On their blotter of fog the trees
Seem a botanical drawing.
Memories growing, ring on ring,
A series of weddings.

Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery,
Truer than women,
The seed so effortlessly!
Tasting the winds, that are footless,
Waist-deep in history.

Full of wings, otherworldliness.
In this, they are Ledas.
O mother of leaves and sweetness
Who are these pietas?

The shadows of ringdoves 
chanting but chasing nothing.


Poem on River:- River is also an important part of growing trees so rivers play a key role in maintaining our forest beauty so read river poem also and share this to nature love people

Poem on Pollution:- Pollution is a factor that affects the forest and river most so be aware of it that thing describe by a poem on this pollution poems so read it and share with nature love people.

Beauty of Nature:- Nature is having speechless beauty feel at least one by the rhymings of poems you love it a lot so read nature poems and share to others.

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