Motivational Poem -Will-Power


We all want something in life called  SUCCESS. But some have more willpower and desire to follow their Dreams whereas some don't. They desire to win while the minority who wish to Win, reach success, maybe not immediately but absolutely and definitely. We may fail once-twice-thrice times or even more than that, But we only FAIL when we stop trying. When we fail, we must have the WILL-POWER to get up stronger and wisher. So for increased will-power, Poetria Pot provides the best latest collection of Motivational poems and also a Motivational story with images.

Motivational Poem

'I WILL' -The winning power

Motivational peom , Success, Dreams, Motivational story, Will Power
"I will"-The winning power

"I Wish" & "I Will", so 
my grandmother says,
Were two little boys 
in the long...long ago,

And "I Wish" used to moan 
while "I Will" used to try
For the things he desired, 
at least that's what my
Grandma tells me, 
and she ought to know.

"I Wish" that was so weak, 
so my grandmother says,
That he longed to have 
someone to help him about,

And while he had stood 
still and look up at the hill
And moan to be there 
to go coasting, "I Will"
Would glide past him 
with many a shout.

They grew to be men, 
so my grandma says,
And all that "I Wish" ever 
did was to like a dream-

To-dream, and to moan 
that life's hill was so high,
While "I Will " went to start work 
and soon learned, If we try,
Hills are never so steep as they seem.

"I Wish," lived in want, 
so my own grandmother says,
But "I Will" had 
enough & a portion to spare:

Whatever he thought was 
worth winning he sought
With an earnest and patient 
endeavor that brought
Of blessings a bountiful share.

Whenever my grandma
 hears anyone "wish,"
A method she seeks, 
in his mind to infuse,

For increasing his joys, 
and she straightway employs.
The lesson which she learned 
from the two little boys
Whose names were "I Wish" and "I Will."

** Stop saying like an "I WISH", Start saying that "I WILL" **

Dreams in your heart

If there's a dream in your heart, don't ignore it! 
That's the easiest thing to do. 
You will live your life full of regret, 
For not making your dream come true.

Within this world are some powerful things;
but none as powerful as the dream. 
For a dream can take you almost anywhere, 
And allow you to do anything

The first step will be the hardest to take,
But the biggest and most rewarding one too.
For this is the step that tells your fears and doubts. 
They no longer have control over you.

Every one of us has a big dream of our own,
Though sometimes it is buried inside.
Once you discover your dream,
you should chase it 
And remember to enjoy the ride!

Big Dreams

Some dreams are big
And some are small 
Some don't take
Any time at all

Where will your dreams take you?
A far enchanted land
Or maybe to a battle 
Where you make a noble stand

For some, it may be a passion 
Like acting or maybe dance 
Or perhaps something different 
Like having the strength to take a chance

For each of us, it's different
But first, we have to start 
To make the dream reality 
That we hold in your heart.


Success is not a number 
A thing or someplace real 
Success is about attitude 
And dreams and what you feel

Success can mean nothing 
If your happiness is lost 
What is making millions 
When it yields a heavy cost

History might judge us 
But what matters most is now 
Enjoying well the things we have 
Is the most sacred vow

You need not go in search of success 
It's closer than you know 
Just enjoy those things around you 
And watch your success grow

What Is Success?

To laugh often and much; 
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children; 

To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, 
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,

Or a redeemed social condition; 
To know even one life has breathed easier

Because you have lived, 
This is to have succeeded.

The Time Is Now

Now's the time to do those things 
That lifts you and give you wings 
To shed the smoke of sullen days 
And cast away the gloom and haze

Tap into the strength you know 
And feel your power start and grow 
Finish up those things undone 
And start anew and have some fun

Prepare now for a new venue 
With much to say and much to do 
Put behind those things of waste 
And set a course with all due haste

Worlds that beacon call you near 
To offer things that hold you dear 
Enter in with open hearts 
And join with those with who you are apart.

I can and I will

Motivational Peom , Success, Dreams ,Motivational story , Will power
I can and I will

It will take some times for 
me to erase the thoughts 
That continuously revolves around me.
I can do that and I will...

It will be just only a matter
 of time when I will be happy
And the past memories won't haunt me.
I can learn to be such things and I will...

It will be a journey for me 
When my life gives me a new day to live life.
I can lives my enjoyable life again and I will,...

It will take me time to rise 
up after being submerged
In my agony.
I can gain strength and I will...

It will be passed and 
all the gloominess of 
My life will fade away.
I can live happily and I will...

It will be very much enough 
for me not to think about my past
And go with the flow of life.
I can move on and I will...

** Push Your limits, Because Not a single person is going to do it for You **

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