COVID-19 Poems

Pandemic - Coronavirus:

The world is now suffering from a pandemic situation due to COVID-19 disses according to WHO pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease. As coronavirus cases increase at a rapid pace, many countries have been put under lockdown to contain the spread of the virus. During this period, the supply of essential commodities including fruits and vegetables, medicines, milk will continue uninterrupted this is a real lockdown situation we see after a very long time. So here we are realizing people about the real situation during this lockdown in a way of poems and during this situation, many people get depressed so Poetria Pot provides a collection of Motivational and Love-related poems.


Yes, there is fear.
Yes, there is isolation.
Yes, there is panic buying,
Yes, there is sickness,
Yes, there is even death.

They say that in World,
After so many years of noise,
You can hear the birds again.

They say that after just,
A few weeks of quiet,
The sky is no longer thick with fumes,
But blue, grey and clear.

They say that in the streets of Assisi,
 People are singing to each other,
Across the empty squares,
keeping their window open,
So that those who are alone,
May hear the sounds of,
family around them.

They say that a hotel and NGOs,
In India is,
Offering free meals and,
delivery to the housebound.

Today a young woman I know,
Is busy spreading filter with her,
Number through the neighborhood,
So that the eiders may have,
someone to call on.

Today Churches, Synagogues,
Temples and Mosques,
are preparing to welcome,
and shelter the homeless,
The sick, the weary.

All over the world people are,
Slowing down and reflecting,
Over the world, people are,
Looking at their neighbors,
In a new way.

All over the world, 
people are waking up,
To a new reality,
To how big we really are,
To how little control really have,

To what really matters.
To Love.
So we pray and we remember,
That yes there is fear.

But there does not have to,
Be hate yes there is isolation.
But there does not have to,
Be loneliness.

Yes, there is panic buying,
But there does not have,
To be mean,
Yes, there is sickness.

But there does not have,
to be a disease of the soul,
Yes, there is even death.

But there can always be,
Rebirth of Love.
Wake to the choices,
You make as to,
How to live now.

Today breathe, listen,
Behind the factory,
The noise of your panic,
The birds are singing again,
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming and,
We are always encompassed by  Love.

Open the window of your soul,
Though you may not be able,
To touch across,
The empty square sing.

Will the door ever open?

covid poems, covid, Pandemic, lockdown, corona poems, covid poem
Will the door ever open?

The roads are empty, 
The crowds too small,
No trace of life outside, None at all.
Every human is locked up in their house,
And the sunny playground Now looks bleak.

Why does our wide world look,
So desolate now?
What a silly question, 
Even a toddler would have the answer.

Cause, there’s a monster out there,
That can make even breathing like hell.
It is tinier than our cells, 
But it is causing a huge pandemic,
If it enters your body, 
It may wreak havoc.

Coughs or sneezes are like its private jet,
And to your lungs, 
It’s a threat.
We, who always chat and dine in groups,
Now prefer to stay away,
And with a mask on our mouths,
St at home straight away.

Nobody’s going to school anymore,
No child playing in the park,
Nobody’s even opening the door,
Except for grocery or stock.

We used to giggle and play
On our swings and slide,
Now, we’re caged in our homes,
As Corona gambols outside.

I used to pity my dolls, 
Trapped on the shelve,
Now, I really don’t know why,
As for me, it’s a privilege
To even bask in sunlight these days.
We who are social animals,
Now dread the doorbell.

Sadly, We are told to see,
Every visitor is an unwelcome virus.
When can we really be free?
When can we stick our heads out?
When will the dawn arrive?
Come on, let us await that day.


Our fingers are all crossed,
​​​​​As we all hope for a cure,
A cure to end,
The pandemic of Covid-19.

Which has killed a,
Many like Ebola did in 15?
Friends have journeyed to,
The land of the dead,
Enemies have journeyed as well.

We are now united by sympathies,
But still divided by entities.
Our compassion cannot travel beyond,
The walls of our rooms.

We are now left to succumb to,
The limitations set by W.H.O,
​​​​​​As that is better me and you.

Our fingers are still crossed,
As we hope for a cure,
A cure to make things get back to,
How it used to be like before.

Lockdown Days

Lockdown days, covid-19,pandemic, covid poems, corona poem
Lockdown Days

This pandemic has got us all,
Starting at the same four walls,
our government think that this is best,
To save our amazing NHS,
Not to mention the precious,
Lives of the elderly, children,
husbands and wives.

There are no words to describe,
How much we appreciate,
Our key worker's tribe,
Because of them,
The country keeps going.

Thanks to all for,
The care you are showing,
Providing care and necessities,
That we once took for granted,
"They are so brave, Keeping us safe",
The people chanted.

Some people like to break the rules,
Oh my, oh my they are such fools.
If only they would listen,
Then the rest would not be missing,
Family, friends, and special days.
These weeks have been a giant maze.

Our country is in this together,
Lockdown will not be forever,
If we all just do what is asked,
We will become free at last.

Corona The Diseases

Coronavirus, the worst disease,
Hide in your homes, if you please.
A disease killing lives,
And spreading negative vibes,
Symptoms like fever making us weak,
Doctor’s help, we need to seek.
Started in China, now, the world if sick,

Let us unite and find a cure, quick.
You will have a fever as I told,
You will get a headache and a cold.
Following up then comes cough,
Getting rid of is now quite tough.
You will get problems with respiration,

Now, we all need prevention.
Muscle pain can come too.
Let us build immunity, me and you.
Wash your hands with some soap,
We’ll fight the virus, that’s the hope.
Sneeze and cough into a tissue,
Let’s take some steps to tackle this issue.

Don’t go to crowded places,
Don’t be one of those thousand cases,
Visit a doctor if you need care,
Now, just make others, all aware.


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