Poems on Women Empowerment

 Women Empowerment :  

In some countries or states, men think that women are only made for handling the household work and take the responsibility of home and family. The male family members fully limited socio-political right to work, right to education, the right to choose for themselves for women. So Women need to empower themselves by being strong and showing power in the male-dominated society. 

They can make their own mindsets and raise their voices, speak their thoughts very clearly, be aggressive while engaging in the production of normative femininity. So we as citizens of India, for change our mindset and support women empowerment by helping the women in our lives gain power in the household and in the society Poetria Pot provide some poems about girl power and quotes with images.

Strongest Girl

poems, poetria pot, poems on women empowerment, poems on girls, poems about girl power
Strongest Girl

She never got to Dance
Or go to her own Prom,
She never got the Chance
To forget where she came from.

She never got to Kiss
A man she Idolized,
She never felt love's Bliss
'Cause, she was Paralyzed.

She never got to Talk
About love with a Smile,
She never got to Walk
Down a church's Aisle.

She never got to Say
Those precious words, 'I Do.',
But she was far and Away
The strongest girl I ever Knew.

She couldn't brush her Hair
Or put makeup on her Face,
She couldn't hold you, Dear
Or give you a warm Embrace.

She couldn't clasp her Hands
As if in the form of Prayer,
She couldn't Understand
Why she was in a Wheelchair.

She never showed her Fears
Or let you hear her Cries,
She never showed the Tears
That fell down from her eyes.

She never looked for Pity
Or sympathy from you,
That's why she'll always be
The strongest girl I ever knew.

'Courage is work as a Muscles of body, We Strengthen by it Use.'

Girls Education:

Girl's education is very important for making our future bright and happy. Girls can handle society as doctors, teachers, and lawyers, etc. They can work in different government offices, schools, banks, and hospitals, etc. The Indian government has started many campaigns for girls like 'Beti Bachaao, Beti Padao' Yoga. In the below poem girl tells her father why girls must study.

I am a Girl

A father asks his daughter: "Study?,
Why should you study?
I have sons aplenty who can study Girl, 
Why should you study?"

The daughter tells her father.
 Since you ask, here's why I must study,
Because I am a girl, I must study.

 Long denied this right, I must study,
For my dream to take flight, I must study,
Knowledge brings new light, so I must study,
For all the battles I must fight, I must study,
Because I am a girl, I must study.

To avoid destitution, I must study,
 To win independence, I must study,
 To fight frustration, I must study,
 To find inspiration, I must study,
Because I am a girl, I must study.

To fight men's violence, I must study,
 To end my silence, I must study,
 To challenge patriarchy I must study,
 To demolish all hierarchy, I must study,
Because I am a girl, I must study.

To ferry a faith I can trust, I must study,
 To make laws that are just, so I must study,
 To sweep centuries of dust, I must study,
 To challenge what I must, I must study,
 Because I am a girl, I must study.

To know right from wrong, I must study,
 To find out a voice that is strong, I must study,
 To write feminist songs I must study,
 To make a world where girls belong, I must study,
Because I am a girl, I must study. 

Women Power:

A woman is no longer dependent on a man for her needs. She is independent and strong enough to take care of herself, take care of her parents and children. They are self-confident and aren’t afraid to push all the boundaries required to finish their jobs and also housework.


she, poems , poems on girl power, poems about girl power,
SHE - as a warrior

They say she should stay at home,
Those girls should not always roam,

But they don't know, she is a butterfly,
Give her freedom and she'll fly high.

They always try to bound her
 with their rules and restrictions,
Little do they know, 
Wonder woman is not just only fiction.

A woman strives to be perfect always,
Whatever role she is in,

Be it a daughter, sister, or wife,
She gives her cent percent every time.

Yet she judged on basis of her looks,
Forced to look pretty, hot, or beautiful,

Being simple and elegant is not the style,
They say being sexy is the new cool.

They need her in their day to day life,
Yet she is forced to abort
 if found having a baby girl.

Happy women's day they wish her,
And make her feel so proud

And later next day they molest her,
And make dirty comments too loud.

Just mere washing her wouldn't make it all,
Protect her, Make her feel secure,
That would work for sure.

Don't just see her as a SEX object,
Before calling her a WHORE think twice,

She may seem like a delicate Daisy,
But she is a WARRIOR in disguise.  


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