Self Love Poem

Self Love:-

The first keyword for getting success is to love yourself first. A person who loves himself will never need to depend on any other person to be happy. So Put yourself a little higher on your priority list think highly of yourself as the world takes you at your own estimate. Learning to love yourself also reduces stress and makes you more focused on work. So for encouraging people to love his self here is a collection of many self-love all the poem will help you to encourage about loving more to your self.


poems, poetry, self love poem, love your self, your self, l love you, love your self , love me real

Accept yourself as a work,
In progress the continue,
To build yourself into the person,
You’re dreaming to be.

The person you've got 
All the potential to be,
Accept your flaws, 
Accept your truths, 
Accept your past,

And make light of them. 
No one can tear you down if,
You make peace with,
Who you are and, 
Where you’ve been.
If you are going to focus,
On the negative at all,
Focus on turning them into positives, 
Focus on growing,
Sometimes, oftentimes, 

Our minds are the scariest,
A place to sit. it’ll trick you, 
Into comparing yourself, 
To others and it’ll trick you, 

Into believing you aren’t good enough,
But you are, you have always been,
And you always will be. 

You’re much more powerful,
When you believe in yourself
If you don’t love
All of you, who will? 
Give yourself time to blossom. 

I love you

They think you're wayward and crazy
They say you're past is ugly 'n' faddy

They think you're arrogant 'n' proud
They say what they want open loud

Nonetheless, I say I love you
People think you're a slow poison

People say you've been in prison
People think you're virus in the air

Saying what they want open clear
Nonetheless, I say I love you

Measure the depth of my love in miles
The age of my love is in centuries

Your memories = my happiest times
They think am just fooled and young

They say love comes only to be gone
Nonetheless, I say the mine will stay

Love Me Real

I'm Your poem. 
I've been living in the air.
Nobody can read me. 

I'm not written anywhere.
In ink, that is.

I'm really in thought.
I'm really inside of you.

Please make me real forever
Here's what you must do-Love.

That's all It's simple.
Love what isn't real

Until it is because of what you feel.
A rabbit made of velveteen 

A puppet made of wood
Both turned real because of love. 

If you love me  I could.


Never knew that I could love anyone 
As much as I love you 

I never knew I had it in me 
To give me away like this

I never thought I'd find someone 
Who could take my breath away 

Someone who could love me 
For who I am

And look past my mistakes
I never thought I'd find someone 

Who would stand by my side
Through all my ups and downs

Someone who would give me 
The benefit d the doubt
Even when I was wrong

I never knew that I could love anyone
As much as I love you 
I never believed I'd find someone

Who could love me 
As much as you do

When I Look In The Mirror

When I look within the mirror I can see me again 
After all of the years of playing pretend
It's the theme that I used to be back at 5 years old

Before I used to be lied to before I used to be told
To watch what I eat, to brown within the sun 
To cover my lines or I will never be loved

They made fun of my nose and 
Therefore the point of my chin

And never once taught me the way to see within 
We look through a filter, a distorted mask

Let the tears of the pain 
clear the fog from the glass
Labels aren't written in permanent ink
They're societal makeup you'll wash down the sink
Cause who I actually am is more than skin deep

I am the love, I am the spirit, 
The me that is beneath 

And if we realized that 
This is often who we actually are

We'd identify less with what divides us apart
We are obsessed as a 

Culture with "beauty and rank''
Have we all forgotten at heart we are the same? 

When I live from this place. 
I have nothing to prove

The mirror starts reflecting more of the truth 
I love my hair and my eyes 
and the shape of my nose 

Cause the sunshine from 
Within is now making me glow

After all of the years of playing pretend 
When I look within the mirror I can see me again

Believe In Yourself

Nobody tells you
It is okay to call yourself beautiful

It is okay to smile at mirrors
And it is perfectly fine 

To say your own eyes are pretty
It is wonderful to love 
Your waistband your legs
Regardless of their size 

And you are not conceited 
If you use your fingers to list
Everything you're good at 

 Rather than point
All your own flaws

You can acknowledge you're smart 
And that you will go places 
And you will be someone 

Greater than your mistakes
You can't always expect 

Other people believe in yourself for you.

yourself, l love you, love your self , love me real , self love poem
Believe in your self 

Love Yourself

Stop and think for a second, 
Think about how you view yourself, 
Think about the main words 

You would use it to describe yourself. 
Make list in your head of all 

The negative qualities you have, 
Then make a list of all 

The positive qualities you have. 
One of the saddest thing in humankind,
Are that most we can make a 
A long list of negative qualities, 

as opposed to positive qualities, right? 
Well, that's where most of us go wrong.

We see a reflection in the mirror, 
We hear words of negativity,

We think bad thoughts of ourselves, 
And it never ends. 

The criticism only leads to self-hatred, 
which only leads to sadness, 

which only leads to a poorly lived life.
Stop and think again,
Think about your positive qualities again, 
And this point consider as many as possible, 

Even silly, stupid ones. 
Have you helped an elderly or 

The homeless person before? 
How many times do you 

Compliment someone a day? 
Do you help your little sister? 

Together with her homework?
Do you recycle, or help 

The community in any other way.
Although these are all actions that go unnoticed 
And without thought, these little things are 

What define you as a person, 
Not your weight, not your height, 

And definitely not a false 
The portrayal of your self-image
Through a reflection in a mirror. 
Stop and think again,
of who you are,
because often times we have an ideal image 
of what society wants us to seem to be 

 but the character is what shines
the most when it comes to your self-image.
This may all sound Cliché, but maybe because 
there's some truth behind these words 

Because if you don't love yourself 
in this world, then who really will?


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