Nation Poems

Nation Love Poem:

Every nation has some specialty and all of us like our motherland. it holds a special place in our hearts. India is a multi-cultural family, where you can find different types of people, cultures, languages, traditions, and religions. The natural and cultural beauty that steals the heart. People together make a nation I love my country and its people. the nation is known for its history and India was called a Golden Bird and also known for its rich cultural and social heritage. India is known as a nation with unity in diversity It really makes us proud when we see the beauty of the nation. so here we describe all the beauty of the nation with the poems written by well-known authors so read all the Country Poems and share with other nation people on Republic Day or Independence Day.


Nation poems, country poems, my nation, republic day poem, independence day poem

 India is a Nation,
Second in Population.
It is mostly of the Younger Generation,
With the Army as our Foundation.

India is a Nation,
Here every problem has a solution.
Someone is fighting for Reservation,
And someone is dying for the Nation.

India is a Nation,
Making progress towards a Developed Nation.
Every sphere, every field making Promotion,
With our PM at its Center of Action.

India is a Nation,
We must work hard with full Dedication.
It is always ready for Surgical Operation,
Cowards, Enemies, watch out for my Nation.


I Love My India

I love my India, I love my nation,
Every dust is God's creation.
People, hill, and stones are divine,
Rivers are silver and crops shrine.

Forgive and be kind is the witness,
Holy soul and sturdy body is a fitness.
Yog, Viyog, And Sanyog is a lifestyle,
Unlearn the past and make the new smile.

Righteousness is that plain living,
The purity no misgiving no grieving.
Balanced parity and coequality,
Help to growability of mentality.

I love my India, I love my nation,
Sunrise teaches beyond the limitation.
Wisdom gave sacred Veda's birth,
The world comes to learn clean mirth.

I love my India, I love my nation,
Everyone leads a life of salvation.
Nobility is a teacher of a generation,
Each day is the festival celebration.


My motherland,
she's so beautiful and bright.

She gives me home,
a shelter and lightweight.

And we are pleased along with her history,
Full of struggles and victories.

We got this nation from God as a gift,
Not just to take, but mostly to permit.

Our motherland takes care of you and me,
And only here can we stay forever free.

We are proud to be her loyal kids,
She brings us up, teaches, leads.

She's our life, she is our greatest part,
She's our soul, brain, and heart.

I Love My Nation

I love my nation,
With the Himalayas In the north.
Indian ocean within the south,
Arabian sea within the west.
The Bay of Bengal within the east,

I love my nation.
With a developed culture,
And a good looking sculpture.
The people haven't any rest,
To do their work best.

I love my nation,
They give us rice in the ration.
They dress within the newest fashion.
They do many Inventions,
Which are about fiction,

I love my nation.
With the amount of Hill station,
Which are God's creation.
It gives us protection,
And save us from tension.

Love for the Nation

In your heart keep the love for the nation,
It is protected by those who never take a vacation.

It provides a national feeling of pride,
Can be seen in places with a large crowd.

The citizens share the same sentiment,
Protect the nation and become elegant.

Its the feeling that rises in one's heart,
To speak something and do too is an art.

Some people stand at the edge of the knife,
Because of them, we have our life.

Be patriotic and provides respect to all,
When soldiers leave everything on just a call.

Softly I touched her face, I wipe, 
the tears away she shed, 
she cried for our nation that,
was gone many centuries ago.

The Flag

I can show respect to the flag,
By standing straight and tall.

I keep my eyes on the flag,
That Is hanging on the wall.

Before I begin to say the pledge,
I place my right hand over my heart.

I stand waiting patiently,
For the rest of the class to begin.

I say the pledge with everyone,
As if we've one voice.

Showing respect to the flag,
Is an Important choice

Nation Love

Nation Love, poem on India , poems, my nation,republic day poem, independence day poem
Nation Love

The river is my blood,
People in my cells.

Transportation is my veins,
the economy is my bone,

Farmer is my stomach,
The mountain is my skin,
Trees are my hair.

The soldier is my heart,
Development is my cloth.

Thinkers are my brain,
Entrepreneurs are my jacket,
Culture is my nourishment,

Youth is my power,
I am a brand new India.

A Nation's Strength

What makes a nation's pillars high,
And its foundations strong?
What makes it mighty to defy,
The foes that round it throngs?

It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand,
Go down in battle shock.
Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,
Not on abiding rock.

Is it the sword?
Ask the red dust,
Of empires passed away,
The blood has turned their stones to rust,
Their glory to decay.

And is it pride? Ah, that bright crown,
Has looked as if it'd nations sweet.
But God has struck its luster down,
In ashes at his feet.

Not gold but only men can make,
People are great and strong.
Men who for truth and honor's sake,
Stand fast and suffer long.

Brave men who work while others sleep, 
Who dare while others fly...
They build a nation's pillars deep,
And lift them to the sky.

The Gift of India

Is there anything you need 
that my hands withhold,
Rich gifts of raiment or grain or gold?
Lo! I've flung to the East and West.

Priceless treasures are torn from my breast,
And yielded the sons of my stricken womb,
To the drum-beats role, the sabers of doom.

Gathered like pearls in their alien grave,
Silent they sleep by the Persian waves, 
Scattered like shells on Egyptian sands.

They recline with pale brows and brave, broken hands,
They are strewn like blossoms mown down by accident,
On the blood-brown meadows of Flanders and France.

Can ye count the grief of the tears I weep?
Or measure the woe that I keep?
Or the delight that thrills thro' my heart's despair,
And the hope that comforts the pain of prayer?
And the far sad glorious vision I see,
Of the torn red banners of Victory?

When the terror and tumult of hate shall terminate,
And life be refashioned on anvils of peace,
And your love shall offer memorial thanks,
To the partner who fought in your dauntless ranks,
And your tribute the deeds of the deathless ones.
Remember the blood of the martyred sons!

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