Poem of Life

Motivational Poem About Life:

Today’s era is full of stress, anxiety, depression so that now it’s very important to be a motivated because  positive thought generate positive vibes and positive life experiences. So for motivating people Poetria Pot serves as a Motivational Poem with also Positive thought with Images.

  Poem of Life

Motivational Peom , Poems , Poetry
Poem of Life

Life is just a stopping place,
A pause in what's to be,
A resting place along the road,
To sweet eternity.
We all have different journeys,
Different paths along the way,
We all were meant to learn some things,
But never meant to stay...
Our destination is a place,
Far greater than we know.
For some the journey's quicker.
For some the journey's slow.
And when the journey finally ends,
We'll claim a great reward,
And find an everlasting peace,
Together with the Lord.

-------Think positive and be optimistic---

Pace of life

The pace of life seems so fast,
And some days are all blurred,

There Are jobs and deadlines, mouths to feed,
Plus debts you've got incurred.

To get life back it isn't that arduous,
There's a simple little trick,
Sit still and do your eyes,

It only takes a tick,
While there thank,

All the items you're keen on,
The Universe rewards this,
And shines on you from above.
Take some breaths, in and out,

Find your inner calm,
The outside world will still be there,
But it's lost its evil charm.
A Nano moment of your day,

It really isn't long,
It makes the globe of difference though,
For you to travel on being strong.


Life is a chance, have the benefit of it.
Life is beautiful, admire it.

Life could be a dream, realize it.
Life may be a challenge, meet it.

Life may be a duty, complete it.
Life may be a game, play it.

Life could be a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow. overcome it:

Life s a song, sing it
Life may be a struggle, accept it.

Life could be a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is fuck, make it.
Life is just too precious, don't destroy it.
Wife is life, fight for it.

Dear Life

Dear Life,
If you would like me to bow, 
I will get on my feet straight.
You can knock me down today 
But I would  be able to rise tomorrow

If you would like me to cry
I will gladly smile 
And I would keep doing that until I die

If you would like me to relinquish up 
I will battle through 
Continue fighting my battles 
And I will never stop

If you wish me to run away 
I will be going nowhere 
You can push me over the sting
I will just climb up differently

If you would like to interrupt me 
I will stay strong
Because I am able 
To still see the wonder

So dear Life, can't you see? 
I am still a Warrior 
And there's no way you can ever defeat me!

Don't Quit

When things get wrong as they often will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low & also the debts are high
And you would like to smile, but you've got to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a touch,
Rest if you need to, but do not quit.

Life is strange with its twists and turns
As all folks sometimes learn

And many a failure comes about
When he might need to be won had he stuck it out;

Don't quit though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell just how close you are,
It may be close when it seems so far;

So persist with the fight when you're the hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you just must not quit.

For whole the sad words of tongue or pens
The saddest are these: “It may need been!"

The Dark Times In Life

Life can take a turn
You never thought it'd 
Suddenly most can change 
With so little, that's understood

You ask so many questions, 
It seems without reply 
Your heart is pained 
with such a lot of doubt 
And unanswered questions why

It's almost like we walk through life 
Just feeling our way around, 
We can't see the road ahead, 
Nor our feet on the bottom

Darkness is all about us, 
We struggle to see the light 
Just a glimmer now and then, 
But then fades out of sight

We cry out to God again 
To show us where to travel, 
He says, 'Just take another step 
To where peace freely flows

And as we keep it up taking steps 
Guided by the Lord, 
We find, in time, we walk into 
The joy we knew before

It's in those times of darkness, 
When we feel I've lost all hope, 
God can do a work in us 
That brings a deeper growth

So when we face dark times, 
We should precede the Lord, 
For goodwill come if we believe 
And hope shall be restored.

Life -The Dark shadow

For many years I attempted so hard
To live a life. A normal life

But I can not escape this dark shadow
that's always creeping up beside me

For many years I attempted to cover
Fighting my battles quietly inside

Afraid to mention something and open up
About this dark shadow that's absorbing over my life

Fearful of being judged and misunderstood
I thought hiding it's for the most effective

Though this dark shadow will not give me a rest
Many nights I cried myself to sleep

Asking why me...why it had to be me?
But I can not seem to search out a solution

I just happened to be an innocent sufferer
Of this dark shadow that never leaves me
Even after I beg and plead.

The Way of Living Life

Motivational poem , poem of life , poems , poetry
The way of living

There is wonder past all wonder

in the ways of living life,

in a worm's intrepid wriggling,
in the song a blackbird sings,
In the grandeur of an eagle,
and the fury of a shark,

in the calmness of a tortoise
on a meadow in the dark, 

In the splendor of a seagull,
as it plummets from the sky,
in the incandescent shimmer 
of a noisy dragonfly, 

In a heron, still and silent,
underneath a crescent moon,
in a butterfly emerging,
from its silver-spun cocoon. 

In a fish's joyful splashing,
in a snake that makes no sound,
in the smallest salamander
there is a wonder to be found.!!!

------- Life is full of Beauty ------- 

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