Family Love


Families are an integral part of one’s life. It doesn't matter if you've got a small or big family, as long as you've got one. A family is a primary school to the kid where one learns about various things. Families are important because they encourage and develop us. They make us happy and provide us the prospect to become better human beings. Families enhance your confidence and cause you to believe yourself. for getting success in life Family love and family support is mandatory so hear Poetria Pot shows bonding between family member like a brother, sister, father and mother in a form of poems.


Family is all we got
They come around 

when we need their help
Or if we're ever stuck

We fight and argue every day
We curse and shout at them
But in the end, we reunite

Cause they're our closest friends
The love we have is mutual
Although we never show it

The ups and downs will come around
Like a family, we'll get through it
My family means the world to me

And no one can replace
They're everything I ever wanted
And now I rest my case.

family love , I love my family, dad love, father love , I love my father , I love you mom dad , I love you, brother , brother love poem

Family Love Forever

Have u ever thought actually 
What it would be like, without a family.
Family is the only one,

Where one experiences the best of fun. 
Family is an elegant necklace,
Whose bond may appear broken 
But deep inside, their hearts are still one.

When the unwanted sorrows 
seem longer than a mile, 
Your dear old family makes you smile.
When because of a mistake no event 

Works out for your sake. 
When life refuses to mend 
There comes a sharp bend,

The family gives necessary amends, 
To the family, all worries can be sent.

In a fraction of time,
Your sorrows will leave
It may sound absurd
But you've got to believe.

Wherever you may be,
You belong to the pack. 
And to them, you can always go back.

A Family Of Friends

You'll find there is a family of friends living here, 
a small group of minds, and hearts: 
With a number of us clever and few people not. 
At times you can't tell us apart.

There is one who is a freak and one who is shy, 
And one who is really uncouth; 

And just when you think you have discovered
who's who, You'll really uncover the truth.

The truth that we're all just a bit of every,
A group of imperfects is we
And sometimes I might criticize them to you.

But don't ever knock them on me.
Cause the one thing that ties us together for life

no matter how far we're apart, 
Is love for every other, a family of friends 
A small group of minds, and of hearts.

I love my family

It's knowing where your roots are 
That sometimes gives you wings 

It's knowing there's a place to go 
To escape the awful things

It's knowing there will always be 
At least one person on your side 

Who'll listen to your problems 
And go along with you for the ride.

It's comfort and it's heartache 
It's pride and disappointment too. 

It's holding on and letting go 
Cherishing old and accepting new.

It's waiting for the next little one 
To come and steal your heart 

And wondering how being called
Is such a warm and fuggy start
It's watching time go racing 

by Days, then weeks, then years 
It's missing those who go too soon 
To mix your laughter with your tears.

It's remembering and forgetting 
Loving and arguing too; 

It was God's plan from the start 
And it's still holding true

So hold each day like a precious crystal 
That might break if you let go 

For roots and wings are compatible
things Make sure your children know.

Dear Dad

Dad, it is not easy
To find the words to say 
How much you really mean to me
Each and every day. 

I know you get discouraged
And think I'll never learn 
To stay straight on the path of life 

As you try to guide me around the turns 
And though sometimes I stumble

It helps to know you're always there
Your guidance is not wasted
In my heart, I know you really care.
And while it's not always easy 

To choose the path I should
I'm trying to learn to just say no 
When I realize that my Dad would.

A Fathers Love is Forever

With a hug and a kiss 
I pick you up in the air
You're both in my arms
But it's my heart that you share. 

You're growing up so fast
All of the changes I see
Every minute with you
Becomes a special memory for me. 

Even though we live and 
There are certain things we must do
Not a moment goes by
That I'm not thinking of you. 

Until I see you again
Know that you're on my mind
And that when we're together
I wish it could be all the time. 

I'm sad when you leave 
And happy when we're together
I'll always be there for you, 
A father's love is forever.

A Father's Love

Is a Warm Embrace,
Or a Quick Hug
A Glowing Smile, 
and Your Wit and Wisdom.

A Fathers Love could enter the Park
On a Hot Summer Day 
A Drive in the Car, 
Down that Windy dirt Road

A Fathers Love is in the Poem Written
To 'A Friend or Daughter,
In the Special Words 

That Come Only From a Father... 
A Fathers Love is in Fun Times Together
Camping under the Trees 
Enjoying a picnic, and Walking 
through the Leaves...

A Fathers Love is Faith in His Family 
High Hopes and Dreams, 
And Pleasure in Doing 
"What Ever It Takes...

A Fathers Love could be a Kiss on the Cheek 
Or a Friendly Hand Shake
My Idol for Life, 'I Will Treasure Dearly'...

Fathers And Daughters

Fathers and daughters share a special bond
That no amount of time will sever 

It will last a lifetime and beyond 
A daughter should be happy forever

Hearing 'I love you daddy' makes your day 
And all the hardships seem worthwhile 

Your darling daughter in whose heart you'll stay
Can make you happy with only her smile

A father could be a daughter's old friend in life 
And she doesn't mind sharing
 him together with her mother
Growing up so fast then at 
some point herself a wife 
Now her father must share 
her love with another.

family love ,I love my family, dad love , I love my father, I love you mom dad

Daughter, I Will Always Be Here with Love for You

Did you know that 
I loved you long before you were born?

When I first held you in my arms,
one of my childhood dreams came true. 

I remember staring at your perfect 
Little features and feeling thrilled 
At each new sound and expression

A fierce need to protect 
you came over me then, 
and it has never gone away.
When you were a child, 

I was able to hold you close 
Through illness and heartache.
I could hold your hand as 
you face new experiences, 

and my presence and guidance seemed to 
assure you of a certain level of safety. 

But little by little, I've got had to allow you to go 
and allow you to make your own way.

So often I wanted to call 
you back and have you stay 
in the protective circle of my arms.

I never wanted you to have 
to face injury or heartache,
yet I knew that you had to grow. 

Now you are making your own decisions.
Just remember that no matter what, I love you. 

I could never stop loving you.
You're  hugs and smiles from my past, 
the hopes and dreams of my future. 
Take care, my daughter, 

and know that you are never alone.
We are connected by the toughest bond there is: 
the love between parent and child.

A Sister Like You

Someone who will understand 
Who knows the way I feel 

In every situation 
Her concern is very real

Someone who has walked my ways 
Who knows my every need?

Times when she would see me cry 
Her heart would nearly bleed
Everyone should have a sister 

Just the way I do 
Richly blessed is what I am 
To have a sister like you.

My Sister

It's so hard to explain with words, 
What a special "sis" you are. 
You're a special person in this dark world,

A bright and shining star.
A special person to hold my hand
No matter comes what may. 

A special person to laugh with me. 
And help me find my way.

A special person to listen 
When I don't know what to do. 

A special person who gives advice 
And helps me make it through
I hope you know - my special "sis" 

How much you are loved. 
Having you here on earth with me
Seems that by an angel I've been touched.

Sister By Love

There is someone I love so much 
Who is very close to me 
Someone so caring and so sweet 
Thoughtful and kind is her.

Who is there when I need her 
Through good times and through bad 
Someone to laugh and share my tears 
The best friend I've ever had.

We have spent our lives together
Ups and downs only a few 
Always standing up for me 
As I stand up for you.

So thank you Sis so very much 
One thing I want you to know 
My love will follow you each day 
No matter where you go.

Sister's Love

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane 
I would walk right up to my past 

And find you again
I used to call you 
my knight in shining armor 
For you have rescued

my weeping heart in bitter fervor 
My hero within the darkest
 hours of my loneliness 

And broke the shackles of 
my melancholic distress
I've been walking this road 
for several years 

Passed the curves within 
the shadow of my fears 
Then you hold my hand
 as I took my first step 
And together we danced 
for a blissful leap

You enlightened my darkness with your light 
My sorrows turned into marshmallows 

You're a special person in the dark world 
A bright and shining star

I took behind not with bitter regrets 
For my feet landed me to 
your memoirs 'I dare not forget
We have reached this far with this love so real 
I'd be glad to steer an additional mile with you 
I love you.


You gave no one a last farewell, 
Nor ever said good-bye.

You were gone before we knew it, 
and only God knows why. 

A million times we will miss you.
A million times we will cry.

If love alone could have saved you, 
You never would have died.

In life, we loved you dearly. 
In death, we love you still.
In our hearts, you hold a place,
no one else can fill. 

It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you didn't go alone,
for part of us went with you,

the day God took you home.
We will meet again someday 
I know in a better place.

I thank God He made you our brother
While you were here on earth.

A Brother Just Like You

I'm so proud of you brother.
You mean so much to me,
I only wish you could look inside
my heart and really, truly, see.

The love that lies within,
the thoughts that make me grin.
The times we have shared.

The times you've been there, just to care.
Those times of long ago.
that only you and I could know.
Those times of heartache and of pain,
those times of hurt and of gain.

Those times of triumph and of loss,
and those times we were tossed.
Though, life contains a way of tearing us down.

You've been there to encourage 
me to travel for the crown.
You've helped me face my fears.
You've been there through the tears.
You've been my strength in tough times.
You've even helped me to climb.

Climb higher during this life, 
than I ever cared to travel,
because you believed in me 
and assisted me to grow.

You wouldn't let me sit. 
You wouldn't let me rest.
You told me to climb higher
 and to try my best possible.

Thank you, my brother, 
for always caring about me so.
Today, in this poem,
 I surely want you to know.

I don't show it enough.
 How very much I love you.
Thank you, my brother. 
You've been very, very true.

I Love You Brother

I just want to let you know 
You mean the world to me 

Only a heart as dear as yours 
Would give so unselfishly 
The many things you've done 

All the times that you were there 
Help me know deep down inside 
How much you really care

Even though I might not say 
I appreciate all you do 

I am blessed is how I feel 
Having a brother just like you
I Love You brother!

A Mother's Love

There's no love like a mother's, 
Her heart is filled with care. 

With Christ as her example, 
Her Savior's love she'll share.

A mother's love is endless,
Not changing for all time. 

When needed by her children, 
A mother's love will shine.

God bless these special mothers, 
God bless them every one.
For all their tears and heartaches, 
And the special work they've done.
When days on earth are over, 

A mother's love lives on, 
Through many generations,
God's blessings on each one. 

Be thankful for our mothers,
Who love with a higher love, 

From the power, God has given, 
And strength from up above.

I Love You, Mummy

A Mother's love is something 
that no one can explain,

It is made of deep devotion 
and of sacrifice and pain, 
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may

For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away 
It is patient and forgiving 
when all others are forsaking,

And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking. ..
It believes beyond believing 
when the world around condemns,

And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems.
It is far beyond defining, 

it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret 
like the mysteries of creation...

A many splendor miracles 
man cannot understand 
And another wondrous evidence
of God's tender guiding hand.

A True Mother's Love

A mother's love is consistent and patient, 
it will never fade.

A mother's love is warm and 
compassionate, even within the shade. 

A mother's love will always assist
 you through the weakest hours.
A mother's love is usually 
a sort of bouquet of flowers. 
A mother's love is powerful 
and can never steer you wrong.

A true mother's love is beautiful in some ways. 
A true mother's love is honest and it takes 

a mother's like to conquer our fears. 
A true mother's love knows the depth of affection. 

A true mother's love is contentment,
 rather like God's love.
My mother's love is to complete all of the above.

I love you Mom

"M" is for the millions of things that she gave to me,
"O" means only that she's growing old, 

"T" is for the tears she shed to wasting of mine,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold,

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, 
"R" means right, and right she'll always be,

Put all of them together, they spell "MOTHER," 
A word that means the world to me.

My Wife

We've no other things to know 
what the future will hold 
but given the chance to watch it unfold, 

I solemnly pledge my loyalty to you 
and promise to remain devoted and true.
I see in your eyes our future begin 
and a trusting acceptance emerges within;

Confirming all that I know to be true,
how we share this bond known only by a few. 
My dream came true once you became my wife
but before we are to start our new life, 

I want you to understand that in no small part 
I always love you, from the bottom of my heart.

My Love

We met I fell for you
It was hard to believe
That you like me too

The idea was so hard to conceive
Why such a beautiful woman 
Would fall for a guy like me 
Then I heard from the good man
He said " I'm having someone for you to see"
So I began to thank my God above

Because you are everything I need
He sent me a Godly woman to love
To protect, and lead.
You are the one my maker sent 
And you are the one I will always love 
So to hurt you will never be my intention


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