Poem on Pollution

Pollution Poems:

Pollution is a word which even small kids are aware of this nowadays. commonly, everyone knew the fact that it's rising continuously. this is increasing rapidly by the human activities which harm the environment also innocent animal death due to human activities. pollution affects the quality of life because breathing air is becoming pollute now and the increased levels of carbon dioxide will lead to Global Warming. As we are suffering this problem so we must join together to make one voice to make this earth pollution-free. so we the Poetria Pot gives you an awareness toward to pollution in the ways of poems so please read all these poems present beautifully by the best authors. This poem also helps the student with the topic of Poems on pollution in English.


Observe the traffic and pollution,
where is its solution?

I see in my own neighborhood this sight,
It’s not a matter to be taken lightly.

I see the leave and trees crying,
and the burnt fallen leaves lying.

I wish that it stops soon,
Otherwise, we will have to 

Take shelter on the moon.
Plant trees and take care of them,
So that our lives don’t enter in vain.

Poems on pollution in English for class 5, Poem on Pollution, Poem about Pollution, Poem of pollution in English, Pollution Poems

Waste and Pollution

We all need to
reduce our waste,
Let's do it now, 
with tons of haste.

It's also important
for us to reuse, 
If we're really lucky, 
We'll be on the news.

Our future,
must be sustainable, 
We can do it, 
it's all attainable.

About our environment, 
we need to care, 
It's the only one we have, 
and we have to share.

Global warming,
and greenhouse gases, 
To see the harm, 
you don't need glasses.

As a team,
we'll reduce pollution, 
Caring is the first solution.

Look outside

Look outside, see the trees.
Watch the flowers in the breeze.

Things won't be like this during a 
A year or two If polluting is all we do.

Seize the night,
Seize the day.

Things won't always be this manner.
Thousands of people are dying.

In the night, you hear children crying.
Let's stop the war.

Our people are sore.
The world can't help itself.

Who cares about your wealth?
Help me to help you.

Show the world what you can do.

Be Responsible
Instead of Polluting

Pick up your trash.
Take old tires to the dump,

Compost your lawn clippings.
Prevent run-off from your farm,

Use cloth grocery bags 
rather than paper or plastic,

Have your old muffler replaced.
Recycle used motor oil and old paint,

Use a refillable water bottle.
Collect rainwater for your garden,

Reuse and recycle everything you possibly can
Be liable for yourself, the planet, and the future.

The Life of Tree

This Tree once green and beautiful
is now twisted and brown

No leaves no life
no hope to go on

The colors of beauty
withered and gone skies 

once blue now a dirty gray
blotting out the sun to sad 

To smile cries each day
for all the lives taken away branches 

That once held leaves gold, 
green now dead with mold

And decay time slowly ticking
with nothing to say

Standing on the edge
of darkness praying
for better days.

Poems on pollution in English for class 5, Poem on Pollution, Poem about Pollution, Poem of pollution in English, Pollution Poems

A glimpse of a Polluted Future

Where are the birds that 
habituated to fill the sky?

They are not here anymore, 
and I have to surprise why.

Where are the fish that 
want to swim in this stream?

I can't see them anymore.
 What does that mean?

Where are the frogs that 
want to croak around this lake?

I can't hear them anymore. 
There must be some mistake.

I desire there was a clock 
whose hands I could rewind.

We might have saved these animals 
if we had just more long time.

Time to form people see 
how we're damaging our Earth,

Time to understand 
what it all was truly worth.

But the animals are 
vanishing at an alarming rate.

If we do not finally band together, 
it's going to really be too late.

A Choking Sky

Watching smoke stacks choke the sky

Always makes me want to cry.

I just can not help but wonder why

The factories won't even try

To find a safer, better way

To put their poisonous waste away.

Let's Preserve Our Nature

The sun is shining,
The sky is blue,
The birds are flying,
And the breeze is so cool.

Mother Nature is trying her best
To give nothing but beautifulness,
But what can we do?
Make her a mess.

Let's make her the best
By polluting less and less,
And preserve her green dress
For our kids and the rest.

The Earth is not a trash can

The Earth is not a trash can
The Earth is home to every man
Don’t you think about littering
Just stop it from occurring

Just think about our land.
On the beaches and the sand
In our oceans full of water
Your trash will keep on floating farther

Factories blow smoke into the air
They pour oil into seas without a care
Animals are dying
And birds don’t seem to be flying

Pollution is a serious damage
It’s caused mostly by your garbage
So don’t think about throwing recycle 
in a trash bin cause if you do that
It won’t be considered a win

The Earth is not a trash can
The Earth is home to every man
So don’t think about littering
Just stop it from occurring

Poems on pollution in English for class 5, Poem on Pollution, Poem about Pollution, Poem of pollution in English, Pollution Poems
Earth is not a Tarsh

Garbage- Waste full Packaging

Our packaging simply is wrong
To hold things in place, safe and strong
The plastic hugs tight 
The cardboard you fight 
To open the product takes a long! 

And once you are done you will see 
The thing you had purchased, might be 

As small as your thumb 
While you face a huge sum 
Of valueless outer debris! 

Though this is just one type of waste 
We could conquer this one with haste 

Sell all products bare 
No double-wrapped care 
See plenty of sales garbage erased!

Pollution Solution?

We really have to stop and wonder, 
If there's a permanent solution, 

We kill ourselves more every day, 
With so many kinds of pollution. 

Our air is filled with toxins, 
Our water is tainted with lead,
Our crops are grown in chemicals, 
I'm amazed we're not already dead. 

Radiation from cell towers zaps us, 
From computers, phones, and TVs too, 

But we just can't live without them, 
So what are we really supposed to do? 

Big Business is out to make a profit, 
They dump poisons when no one looks,
But there is a great God in Heaven, 
Who keeps a good record in His books. 

The Bible tells us rather plainly, 
He'll destroy those who destroy Earth, 

It's time we got our act together, 
Speaking my mind for what it's worth.

Poems on pollution in English for class 5, Poem on Pollution, Poem about Pollution, Poem of pollution in English, Pollution Poems
Pollution solution?

Stop Pollution

Stop pollution to be part of the solution,
We don't think the world is very 

fair because look at the air
pollution here and there,

Be a part of the crew to solve the clue,
Be a part of the solution

so once and for all 
we can stop air pollution.

Noise Pollution

Everywhere I go, the noises hunt me down,

Sometimes it's the noise of large industries. 
Sometimes it's the noise of construction sites.

Sometimes it's the noise of the heavy traffic. 
Sometimes it's the noise of events loud music.

Sometimes it's the noise of an angry friend. 
Sometimes it's the noise of fights among men.

Sometimes it's the noise of my inner voice. 
Sometimes it's the noise of dreams at night.

Everywhere I go, the chaos shot me down.

A Pollution-Free Environment

 I love my environment
So fresh and clean

See the birds chirping up in the tree 
Look at all the fish swimming 
in the clear blue sea 

A morning breeze so fresh and clean
No clouds of black smoke daunting me

A paper here, a paper there
Soon enough they are everywhere 
Birds and fish losing their homes
The reduction of trees and pollution of seas

What could this be?
The negligence of human beings?

Save the birds 
Save the trees

The road to recovery begins with me...
Let us keep our environment clean


Covid-19 Poems:- Pollution level decrease during this covid period that all the thing with lockdown situation describes through poem so read this covid-19 poem at least onces.

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