Best friend poems

Friendship Poems

Friendship will provide you with thousands of fun moments in life which you'll memorize while you get older. True friends always support each other even during the toughest of times. A true friend feels happy for our success, and feel gloomy for our failures. so a friendship bond is important in every person's life so here we serve you the best friendship poems written by well-known writers. so read these poems and send this poem to your friend on this Friendship day. 

To Be A Good Friend...

Good Friend, Best Friend, Friendship, poems, best friend poem
To be a Good Friend

I will laugh when you laugh.
I will cry when you cry. 
I will tell you, you're lovely, 
and that is no lie.

I will join you for lunch, 
and we'll share a dessert, 
as we catch up on gossip, 
and dish all the dirt.

I will keep all your secrets,
(I know you'll keep mine),
'till we're old, grey and wrinkled,
till the end of all time.

To be your best friend, 
I'll be all that and more.
I'll be there when you need me.
That's what friends are for.


I wanted to thank you 
but was unable to explain
What it means to have a friend 
to share life's joys and life's pains.

It's good to know our friendship
is one of endless devotion 
Forged out of respect 
and every kind of emotion.

It's patient and forgiving 
never failing or forsaking 
When a hand is outstretched 
or one's heart is breaking.

It's ever faithful
even when the world condemns 
And sparkles in the darkness 
like fireworks and gems.

It does my heart good 
at the end of the day 
To know that you will never 
be more than an email away.

True Friend

A great friend in Jesus Christ, 
Is one who puts in you, all trust! 
Is one who understands you fully! 
Is one who makes you feel, so truly!

Is one who gives you the best advice, 
Is one who tells you things "upright"; 
Is one who is with you at times, 
Is one who with you sympathize!

Is one who "cherishes" all your needs! 
Is one who looks after your "things"! 
Is one who prays for you for real! 
Is one who gives your heart, a feel!

A true friend in Jesus Christ,
Is one who puts in you all trust, 
Is one who shares his/her faith and love! 
Is one loves you all the time! 
Whether... you're poor or rich in life!

Good Friend

Whenever I talk 
to my favorite friends,
I can just be myself
with no need to pretend.
We might chat for hours
and still never run out,
of wonderful topics
to gossip about.
Fun becomes funnier
and when I'm blue,
My good friend will bring me
a sunbeam or two.
They're loyal and supportive,
no matter what
And you are that friend
who is valued a lot?


You are like brother
You are like a sister 
You are my friend
Together we make a lovely picture

All the time with me, no matter where 
In the street, within the chat,
Or far away with your heart 
Sharing with you my details of life 
With the good things even the bad part

Where I stand I find you there
And if I fall you catch me fast 
And when I in need 
You give me the hand of help

You make my life worth
You make my life nice
You make my life good 
You make my life grace

The relationship between us 
Never tear apart 
It has a time of begging 
But no time of the end.

Friendship Of The Souls

Have you ever felt like you knew someone,
 a long, long time ago?
Another place, another time, 
a friendship of the souls?

Two people who share a bond 
for reasons neither know,

A feeling that they were friends, 
a long, long time ago?

Did they stumble onto each other 
by pure circumstance, 
Or was it fate and destiny
that played a certain hand? 

Two souls intertwined,
they are worlds apart, 
But the soul, it knows no difference, 
in matters of the heart.

Somehow they are drawn together, 
fate has brought them back, 
Each living worlds apart, 
they journey on separate paths.

When this life is over,
and a new life begins,
Their souls will find each other, 
two souls that we call friends.

Because You call Me a Friend

I will give you a bug hug anytime
Because you call me a friend

I will hold your hand once you need it held 
.Because you call me a friend

I will wipe off your tears once you cry 
Because you call me a friend

I will make you smile once you are down
Because you call me a friend 

I will help you up when you stumble
Because you call me a friend

I will listen when nobody else will listen 
Because you call me a friend
I will not judge you
Because you call me a friend

And once you are mean to me, I will forgive you 
Because you call me a friend

My friend, you're my crutch once I cannot walk 
my eyes once I cannot see through the smoke 
my ears when I cannot hear the truth

This is the reason why I'm your best friend.

Special Friends

It has been said that real friends
Are very hard to find
The ones that stay
when times are tough 
Real friends, the lasting kind

And as I've traveled
through this life
I have found this to be true 
I will never find a better friend
Then I have found in you

Hello My Friend

Hello, my friend, I called you tonight 
To talk a little while 
I need a friend who will listen
To my anxiety and trial

You know I can't quite make it 
Through a day just On my own 
I need your kind words to guide me
So I will never feel alone

You give me strength my friend to face
Each hour throughout the day 
And not to worry over things
That just won't go away

So thank you friend for always been at home 
And listening to my call 
Forgiving me such good advice 
When I'm about to fall

And thanks again for listening 
To my troubles and my sorrow 
Now it's late let's go to sleep 
I will call again tomorrow.

A Friend

Friend, my friend poem , best friend poem , poems, friendship poem
A Friend

A friend is someone we turn to 
when our spirits need a lift.

A friend is someone we treasure, 
for friendship is a gift. 

A friend is someone who fills our 
lives with beauty, joy, and grace. 

A friend makes the world we live
in, a better and happier place.

Thank you for being my friend.

My True Friend

You always answer when I call
And help me up if I should fall,
But you never complain at all,
My true friend.

You confront me when I am wrong
But will never scold me for long,
Instead, you try to keep me strong,
My true friend.

You know the funny things to say
To make me laugh my fears away.
Like the sun, you brighten my day,
My true friend.

You see in me gifts I deny
And urge me to give things a try.
You spread for me my wings to fly,
My true friend.

You always perceive what I need
And offer it before I plead.
Just like a book, my mind you read,
My true friend.

You value little things I do
But won't brag about what you do too.
How can I ever repay you,
My true friend.

And greatest of all I have found
When times are tough and I'm down,
You are the one who sticks around,
My true friend.

I Will Be Here

When you're sad and depressed,
I will be here to put a smile on your pretty face.

When you're angry and frustrated,
I will be here to calm you down.

When you're hurt and in tears,
I will be here to wipe them away and relieve the pain.

When you're lonely and have no one,
I will be here to comfort you.

When you're feeling unloved and unwanted,
I will be here to inform you how very important you are.

When you're having the worst day 
I will be here to let off steam.

When there's something on your mind that you wish to say,
I will be here to listen and understand.

When you're lost in confusion,
I will be here to assist you to figure out things.

When you feel like you're going crazy,
I will be here to bring you back to a balanced condition.

When you are so stressed and need to get away,
I will be here with open arms so we will be run away together.

When you're scared and frightened,
I will be here to save you and make you feel safe.

When you are full of worries,
I will be here to worry about you.

I promise that I will be able to always be here for my loved ones,
today, tomorrow, and forever!

Thank You Best Friend

Let this card remind you 
that you're special 
through and through 
And thought about so warmly 
(and so very often, too!). 
You're helpful and supportive
in a way that warms the heart, 
Whatever happens,
you are there 
to play your thoughtful part. 
Thank you for your kindness 
which can never be repaid 
And for your understanding 
and the difference it made.

Self-love Poems - Self-love is also a key factor for getting success so read this poem and be motivated.

Family love Poems - Family also plays an important role in every person's life so read amazing poems written by well-known authors and share them with your family members.

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