Poem on Corruption

Corruption Poems

Corruption is criminal activity or dishonesty it weakens our democracy. it starts with an individual or a group of people. mostly the people in positions are the main source of corruption. Also nepotism in employment, financial fraud is many ways of doing corruption. corruption starts with people like use so for exposing corruption honesty and transparency is a must. we are aware of it and make our country free from corruption. so to awake, the people about this problem is very important so we aware of this in the way of corruption poems so read all the poem and give your precious suggestion about these corrupted situations.

Corruption in India

Corruption poems , corruption in india , bhrashtachar ,anti-corruption , corruption-free
Corruption In India

Corruption in India is a serious topic,
One can even write of it as an excellent epic.

Corruption in India is an age-old custom,
It even prevailed during the monarch system.
Corruption took birth in the form of leaders,

leading to poverty and 
An expanding number of beggars.
British entered in India as a trader,
The corruption of Indian officers 
made them rulers.
In every office many works,
but educated works as a clerk.
So let us end the corruption
And for India to become protected.

The Corruption Poem

In 1600, Britishers came to our land 
Said," We came here for business." And 
Slowly and gradually captured and banned 
Our wish to live freely.

our wish to live freely was taken by 
Our freedom fighters who tried high 
To set us on the path of independence 
So that we can maintain our surface tension.

It was the year 1947,
When India lit with the light of independence, 
It was when our faces 
had a passion for our country
we will do something and 
change the present situation.

But it is now 2020
The condition is still the same even 
Our Indian Mainland was like a heaven
Before the politicians had introduced corruption
That's why we are here to present 
The person's present political position

our leader led an Anshan
To vaccinate the corruption bacterium 
So I appeal to you all to join your hands 
So that once more our mainland 
can breathe and stand.


A multi-cultural society we live in 
India as a pure country it has been 

Deprivation of corruption and unemployment 
Even poverty and power signification 

Has led to the outset of degradation
Of human values, moral including ethics 

Of an individual and conversion of systematic 
Functions of an economy to a corruption 

A based economy which will have devastating 
Effects as values and avidity are existing 

Getting rid of problems is not impossible 
But are often mitigated by being responsible
 Undertaken by each individual and can help
To make our economy developed by self-help

Understanding each other's problems 
And making our India constructed from
Moral values and together solving problems 
This will enrich the charisma of our economy

Corruption is defined as...

Corruption can't be defined in words
it has a dirty Face

I am sure a person with corruption 
cant have a sound Sleep ever

I am sure that a person with corruption
Can't get respect from his family and society 

I am sure that a person with corruption
has to bear the biggest loss in LIFE 

Everybody knows all the Negativity of it 
then why they Promote it...


Corruption poems , corruption in india , bhrashtachar ,anti-corruption , corruption-free

Corruption, corruption, corruption...

it is now a profession 
it is spreading like an infection 

Needs an instant cure and 
medication it works like a termite 

Eating everything day and night 
it is a malicious cancer 
deep-rooted, posing a danger 

We only talk and enquire 
that also with no true desire 

We hardly raise our voice 
as if we have no choice 
root source are 'we' not they he or she 

let's pledge to fight
to erode this termite.!

Corruption Free 

Corruption to lie,
Corruption to steal,
This is not the India I wanted to see.
Corruption to deceive,
Corruption to defeat,
The ones, worthy and in need.
Corruption in work,
Or home, we see.
India once started a journey,
Now corrupting in, the fleek.
When voices get stabbed, & we write to redeem
I demand to know,
When and how corruption-free we will be?

Or stay in the shells of blind cover, 
Until we give in, & there's no recovery,
We chose a goal, not forbid to let go. 
There's the time still, we can try until we core
Off this harmful corruption fruit, we bore.

And sow the seeds of bright future; 
Come in together, unite,
We don't need - liars, thieves, deceivers & defeat, 
carn with sweat, spend fairly.
Once again we shall make the right deal. 
Of freeing India from corruption beneath.

Corruption to bargain, when you're police 
As if you don't get a salary. 
Find, more like a lot for greed;
While poor people must have 
nothing to freak about.

When your rights should be guaranteed, 
You slide some bribery down their pockets. 
just for their tea, & for your safe future maybe!
corruption to lie,
corruption to steal.

Rejecting the corruption

Corruption- please go away with your notion
Our mission is to make us a no bribe nation

So far, you made our life miserable and 
filled with suffocation Corruption
have you ever seen our determination?

Now, we are full of action and throw 
you out with our inner-transformation Corruption
Don't dare to enter into our nation
With our good value system and education

We are sure, can stop corruption encouragement 
of Currency-free banking and cashless transaction
Can you dare to come to our imagination?

With vibrant leaders and Vigilance Commission
People have speedy justice and much satisfaction

Corruption, it is our war against your creation
Community Participation
And having the "Right to Information"

There is a fair chance of weeding out 
the corruption again, guard 
with digitization and automation

Make you dead before germination with 
Honesty, truthfulness, and against 
temptations certainly, together, 
Make India a Corruption-Free Nation.


It seems I was
born with a flawed mind
and inferior anatomy.

I was raised to be a daisy
soft and dainty abandoned in 
the polar air to be protected,

By the starving dirt that
pins us to the earth.

Now I wait to be tossed fertilizer
…every once and a while.

In the meantime my innocent petals 
are plucked and my stem grows grungy
I watch horrified.

Flowers being ripped from their roots
purely out of admiration for their beauty sacrificing 
the colorful life that once painted its scales.

I am forced to grasp tightly onto the soil
That will never be stable.

The curse of Poverty

Poverty is a curse for human society
Poverty prevails there where the injustice is
Poverty exclaims there where the illiteracy is

Poverty is purely man-made s
It has to be eliminated from its root

The society afflicted with poverty
Is reprehension of entire human society

Corruption is the source of poverty
Only a fearless society can be said
Free from all poverty

Where the people are dumb and 
discounted Poverty exists there

Poverty shows, how many immature 
People rule the country
Poverty is the reason for all philosophical ends.


Corruption poems , corruption in india , bhrashtachar ,anti-corruption , corruption-free

Make India again "Golden Sparrow"
Develop a broad outlook not narrow

Title India 'Developed Nation' 
Remove the word 'developing'

Make top and superpower of the world 
As no need for other's helping

Leave to take Borrowed powers' 
Trend English can't be our friends 

Corruption free nation
world biggest solar plant to produce electricity
brighten socialism, secularism suns
throw down terrorism guns.

Upon the damp leaves, it descends with 
such folly for the scattered debris 
reflects the starlit skies. 

Above our homes, we long for homage 
to and vernacular accents into 
the corruption of our own cages.

Bare all in front of the world. Come again, 
The wind calls to my back, 
cutting gashes through 
My skin to be disturbed with shivers. 

Testing the air a tongue hits the blanketed stream of,
night Corroding in my lungs. 
Choking back platted Images of overtiring turns. 
Make that what you Will.

 Fight the darkness with what you can. 
What use will it do when 
the beholder is not known?

Fortunate that light would 
spread over the branches, 
And pluck the buds surrounding me. 

between them I plant 
My feet further into the soil, 

bearing all that I am, all That I wish to be. 
Fortunate few indeed. But not For me.

Corruption in Society

In a society where words 
and actions seldom 
work together with the cooperation 
is a theory but reality is a fact.

 In fact, flight from this 
height is a lunge 
towards a brick wall 
a crash and a fall, 

Broken bones and all. 
Lives and trust lost 
to that weightless, 

Green form of
debauchery that always 
proves that you don't need 
words when your actions 
consume families. 

Such a toll! 
A curse that feeds, that 
starves, that bleeds the 
hungry who only need a 
a morsel of bread to live. 

But it is the world we live in. 
Perhaps God will intervene.

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