Winter Poems

Winter session:-

We have four seasons Winter is one of them. Winters are the coldest season that starts from mid of November and lasts till February. winter mornings are the best out of all the season. People like getting up early in winters and observing the morning dew on flowers also people doing exercises for a healthy body. many festivals come in the winter duration like Diwali, Christmas or etc..winters day a very beautiful so here we describe them in a manner of poems so fell the winter while reading winters poems.


When the goose is flying south 
And the sky is grey, 
my dears, Close your eyes 
and raise your nose; 
Listen with your careful ears.

Feel the winter coming on; 
Hear it in the crackling trees; 
Note the crisping, quivering wind 
Sharply snapping at their leaves.

Feel it on the windowpanes 
The chilly glass on fingertips 
Mark the biting of the air, 
Heated breath on numbing lips.

See it in the early eves, 
In the glowing sunset where 
Shadows of the naked trees 
Rattle in the biting air.

Watch the nuthatch and the wren; 
They know it is time once more 
To abandon careful nests, 
As they've done each year before.

Let the frost rest on your face: 
Sense a shiver on your skin. 
See how pretty nature is 
When she ushers winter in.

Poem on winter session, Winter is hear poems, dark winter poem, winter poem in English, winter poems

Winter Morning

Shyly coated in greys, blacks, browns 
To keep us out of sight of the cold 
We weren't expecting this morning: 

Sun and shadows, like a summer's evening, 
Like summer teasing. 
And almost under the shelter on
the northbound platform, an old man, 

the sun behind him, just his crown ablaze; 
And heading southbound, a woman inching 
Ever nearer the platform edge, the sunshine a tear

Across her midriff, ribcage, shoulders, closer
And closer that dearest thing, completeness,
All her darkness light at one time.

A Winter Night

The sky is dark and the 
the ground is white. 
The world is peaceful on
this wintry night. 
No one around, not a
sound to be heard. 
Not a laugh, not a car, 
not even a bird.
For a flash, it's just 
the snow and me. 
I smile inside
I feel so scary.

Poem on winter session, Winter is hear poems, dark winter poem, winter poem in English, winter poems
A Winter Night

Winter Time

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;
Blinks but an hour or two; then,
A blood-red orange sets again.

Before the stars have left the skies,
In morning within the dark I rise;
And shivering in my nakedness,
By the cold candle, bathe and dress.

Close by the jolly fire I sit
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore
The colder countries round the door.

When to travel out, my nurse doth wrap
Me in my comforter and cap;
The cold wind burns my face and blows
It's frosty pepper up my nose.

Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a bridecake.

Winter Wonderland

There are strange and mysterious sounds 
When the winds of winter blow,
The long nights are crystal clear and cold, 
 the fields and grassland are covered with snow.

The stars are frosty against the sky, 
And the wind's whistle is shrill,
As the snow blows against the house 
And drifts against the hill.

Yet, I like to see it during the winter
A white carpet on the ground,
To plod aimlessly in the deep snow,
where deer tracks abound.

I like to feel the stillness
Of a crisp winter's night,
Watching a full moon rise over the horizon,
Exposing a winter wonderland beautiful and bright.

February Twilight

I stood beside a hill
Smooth with new-laid snow,
A single star looked out,
From the cold evening glow.

There was no other creature
That saw what I could see,
I stood and watched,
 The stars of the evening,
As long as it watched me.

However cold the Winter

However cold the Winter, 
I find the golden sun.

However dark the night hours, 
The dawn is sure to come. 

Though storm clouds often gather, 
There still is peace to lend, 
And when the storm is over, 
A rainbow 'round the bend. 

However cold the Winter, 
The Spring will melt the snow, 
And then the Maytime flowers 
Will set the world aglow. 

The ever-changing seasons 
Have so much to impart, 
And somehow each in turn it seems 
Lends laughter to my heart.

The beauty of the Autumn, 
The Summer's magic bliss, 
And each December snowflake
Is like an angel's kiss. 

Each sunrise every sunset 
Has so much warmth to bring, 
However cold the Winter, 
It always ends in Spring.

Waking in Winter

I can taste the tiny part of the sky 
The actual tiny thing.

Winter dawn is like the color of metal,
The trees stiffen into place like burnt nerves.

All night I even have dreamed of destruction, 
annihilation an assembly-line of cut the throttle, 
and you & IInching off within the gray Chevrolet, 

drinking the green Poison of stilled lawns, 
the small clapboard gravestones,
Noiseless, on rubber wheels, 
on the way to the ocean resort.

How the balconies echoed! 
How the sun lit up the skulls, 
The unbuckled bones facing the view!

Space! Space! The bed linen was giving out entirely.
Cot legs melted in insufferable attitudes, 
and the nurses each nurse patched 
her soul to a wound and vanished.

The deathly guests had not been satisfied
With the rooms, or the smiles, 
or the fascinating rubber plants, Or the sea, 
Hushing their peeled sense like Old Mother.

Poem on winter session, Winter is hear poems, dark winter poem, winter poem in English, winter poems

Snow Day

In the winter it's every kid's dream, 
As snowflakes begin to appear, 
That suddenly there'll be a blizzard, 
And they'll cancel school for the year.

Though most kids are willing to settle, 
And I am inclined to agree, 
They could merely close school for one day 
One day off would be just great for me.

A day free from all forms of homework, 
A day without science or math, 
When you leave all of your school books at home 
And run out the door with a laugh.

A day full of sledding and cocoa
And snowmen who wear Dad's old clothes; 
No writing out boring equations 
After lunch when you'd rather just doze.

A snow day's a day meant for lounging, 
Where idleness isn't condemned, 
A day where you sleep in till lunchtime, 
A day that you don't want to end.

And if you are truly quite lucky, 
The snow will continue its flight, 
And you'll spend the afternoon hoping 
The next day will be just as white.


The dreamed Christmas,
flakes shook out of silences so far
and starry we can’t sleep for listening
for papery rustles out there within the night
and wake to seek out our ceiling glimmering,
the day a psaltery of light.

So we’re out over the snowfields
before it’s all seen off with a salt-lick
of Atlantic air, then home at dusk, snow-blind
from following chains of fox and crow and hare,
to a fire, a chirping of a bird, a ringing phone,
and voices wondering where we are.

A day foretold by images
of the glassy pond, peasant and snowy roof
over the holy child icon in gold.
Or women shawled against the goosedown air
pleading with soldiers at a shifting frontier
in the snows of television,

while in the secret dark a fresh snowfalls
filling our tracks with stars.

English Winter Day

On those cold and foggy winter's mornings 
when the grass crunches beneath your feet,
and you're bound up in layers, hats, 
and scarves, as is everyone else you meet

When every time you breathe out the steam 
quickly disappears into the chilled air,
and any part of you that's open or exposed 
is numbed and quickly covered, or beware

Frequently every outside surface is dusted 
with winter's cold makeup white,
and Jack Frost at your nose your ears 
and fingertips try to require a bite.

Icicles form to seem a bit like the 
teeth of some long since past prehistoric beast.
Winter's grip within some places 
on this our Earth holds on; 
we hope never ever to cease.

The winter sun is low in the sky and 
its weak rays have little warmth if any.
God's creatures brave the cold in search of food,
 but really not that a lot of.

Snug in their winter's long sleep, 
others don't see it's a day or night.
The outside of the world which they 
knew now blanketed cold and white.

In the end when the night draws in 
and there are no clouds and the sky is clear,
and the only light comes from the moon, 
It looks like a silvery glow
throughout the heavens appears.

The temperature falls until the air you 
breathe can chill your lungs with every gasp,
And even the smallest sound seems 
to be magnified and its echo all around is cast.

And when the morning sunshine again returns 
as the sun has again risen from its slumber,
the beauty of our treasured land 
we another time behold, 
with eyes of awe and wonder.

The Longest Winter

Because of the longest winter, 
Is not the one whispering shivers
In valleys and the mountain pass.
With its fine-white veil, 
Bathing the trees and countryside.

The longest winter,
Is the one that has fixed in your eyes, 
Staining your lips with gray words 
Stealing your voice of sweetest chants.

You seem to have forgotten
I am a flower in your arms. 
And though I demand nothing of you, 
With my heart like this, 
diminished I must ask,

When will you give me back the sun?

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